Mushrooms are a delicious umami ingredient in many recipes. Prepare this silky Hungarian mushroom soup with them as the main ingredients and you will be in heaven.
Hungarians love wild mushrooms. Mushroom soup with fresh dill, lemon juice, and sweet paprika and served with toasty bread rubbed with garlic really hits the spot on a cool evening.
Boletes (porcinis, fresh or dried), morels (fresh or dried), fresh chanterelles, fresh cocorras, and fresh or dried store bought (brown criminis, shitakes, porcini) all work very well in this mushroom soup recipe.
Once the aromatics are chopped and the roux is completed the rest of the soup preparation goes very quickly.
This recipe can be prepared in a heavy pot on the stove.
EQUIPMENT: Oven, Instant Pot or heavy-bottom pot, chef’s knife, wooden cutting board